Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Just in case there's any doubt where we are ....

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are doing a great job getting all the pic's and
showing us people back home what it is like over
there in the sand dunes. I love seeing all the pictures
which Ruth keeps me posted with all new ones. You are going to have quite a scrap book on your travels.
I saw on NBC the tv report on where you are. Ruth
got a big kick out of me telling her that one of the
older guys (I called him the "Tour guide") was explaining what was taking place.

Stay safe.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so proud of you! Many of our friends have asked me to convey their thanks to you and your fellow Marines (as well as the other armed forces)for your efforts In Iraq.

Stay safe. Love you,

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just talked with my Grandson in Camp Bahari and got on to check things out and got your site. Great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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